STAR Presentation and Round Table at the FPI at the Auditorium of the Musée du Quai Branly, Paris

July 6, 2017

The President of La Fédération de Promoteurs Immobiliers de France, Alexandra François-Cuxac invited Beatriz Ramo to present the work of STAR about housing improvement for Ille de France at the 47th Congress of the Federation held in Paris, at the Auditorium of the Museum Quai Branly in Paris, France.
Beatriz Ramo took part in the round table “Penser la ville, c’est imaginer la cadre de vie de demain” with Brigitte Cachon (Directrice Marketing et Innovation de Gecina) and Gwenaelle d’Aboville (Urbaniste, associee au bureau d’etudes Ville Ouverte).